Teaching mat requires a greater clarity of instruction, where the reformer does a lot of the set up for you, the mat is an open field. You need a new language to get people in the shapes you want.
The reformer and its rhythm keep people in a flow state almost automatically. Teaching mat, therefore, is an adjustment.
It’s more work for the client and more work for the teacher to make transitions and layers smooth.
If your clients have any hope of staying in that flow state, join me in the White Dog Trainers Pack.
We’ll discuss and explore the subtleties of teaching mat and I’ll share with you all the secrets and sequences I’ve learned over the years that go towards making an amazing mat experience for your clients.
Some of the projects we have planned are:
- The hidden progressions in the repertoire
- Building flow with the classical repertoire
- The group-friendly exercises that Joseph didn’t take form gymnastics but should have
- How to program for large groups of different abilities on the mat